Apps Crash 100% More Often on iPhone 5S Compared to iPhone 5

If it seems like your apps are crashing more frequently since you upgraded to the new iPhone 5S, you're not alone.
Mobile applications crash twice as often on the iPhone 5S than they do on both the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C, according to tests by Crittercism, a mobile application performance management company.
But even with the doubled rate, crash frequency is still relatively low across all versions of the iPhone 5. The 5S has a crash rate of about 2%, compared to the original 5 and 5C's rates of just around 1%.
In some cases, crashes are just annoying, such as when your app fails while you're reading headlines on a news site. But for some apps, a crash can actually harm business. For example, a customer trying to purchase something through an app may give up and not buy the product if it crashes, Ramanathan explained.
The 5S might be seeing more crashes than the 5C because of its new hardware, which wasn't available to developers before its launch, Ramanathan said. The iPhone 5S includes a dual-core, 64-bit A7 chip that's nearly twice as fast as the A6 CPU, the chip that both the 5 and 5C have.
He added that he expects the crash rate on the 5S to improve as developers have time to test their apps on the new hardware.
"When you change a lot of hardware, you're going to have cases where issues crop up," Ramanathan said. "Give it a few months. You'll see the crash rate render down to the norm."
To study crash rates, Crittercism looked at hundreds of millions of app launches since the release of the new iPhones.
Have you experienced increased app crashes on your iPhone 5S? Tell us in the comments, below.

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